The minister for Information Hon. John Akologo Tia has bemoaned the attitude of a cross section of the Ghanaian media who sees nothing good about the President Mills led government and thereby making things difficult for the good people of the country.
He said because of the attitude of the media recently for not promoting the kind of developmental journalism that we should have been having, so much concern had been raised about their unprofessional attitude ‘’at the recent GJA awards night all the speakers spoke about the need for a responsible journalism, it is coming to the fore because they can be friends and enemies as well’’ The info minister said.
He said, ‘’somehow the media wants to call the shots and by so doing they end up tying the hands of government and almost everybody and that is where we have problems’’.
On whether the attitude of the media is against government and the better Ghana agenda, John Akologo Tia stated that ‘’the NDC government is receiving a lot of the bashing, but there are some members of society who are equally getting a fair share of irresponsible reportage, it’s a big problem. The media has made things very difficult for everybody via the type of things they present to the public’’. John Tia said.
The Information Minister tells Gold News that the media has allowed politicians to use them more. ‘’If you look at the kind of programs and radio phone INS they don’t talk about developmental issues rather 70-80 % of their work is concentrated on building conflict’’.
He said though the media could be described as a two edged sword which can build and destroy the country needs a media that can reach or get to the people with government activities, programs and policies but that is not happening thus the reason they can be of a disservice through their reportage’. He said while a section of the media is focused, balanced and attaches great professionalism towards their work another group tries so hard to promote conflict thereby creating fear and panic in a peaceful society. They tend to drum up the issues raised by politicians whether right or wrong.
"When politicians are at each other’s throat the media comes up to highlight
them beyond acceptable proportions" Hon John Akologo Tia said. Generally we have a vibrant media but a cross section is trying to make things difficult for government.
When asked if the attitude of the media he referred to is preventing government from fully pursuing the better Ghana agenda? Hon. John Tia said, " though they are creating problems government is focused and religiously succeeding with the implementation of its manifest pledges. There is massive change since the NDC government came into office".
He recounted some of the achievements under the President Mills led government as the enhancement of the school feeding program, capitation grant, removal of schools under trees, free exercise books, dormitories and classroom blocks being built all over the place, the reversal of the four year senior high school which he says will relieve parents of some pressure. On the economy he said government has been able to stabilise the cedi, inflation and bank rates reduced and also gave the indication that there are a lot of investors in the country because of the confidence in the President’s leadership style. He cited the strides government is making in Agriculture, the road infrastructure and many more but a section of the media has sworn to undo the government so they will not highlight the positives of government.
When asked if the attitude of the ‘media’ is as a result of the attitude of
government the Info minister noted that he is a part of the media, the Vice
President is also a media man coupled with the President’s humility, good
countenance, and transparent nature government will not antagonise itself with the media or anybody, thus government is not the problem at all.
He said, that though government is doing well some journalists have made it a
point that, come what may, they will run down the Mills administration.
He urged Ghanaians to be steadfast and wary of writers of ‘dark’ tidings.
Stressing that government is on course and will not fail the good people of
Ghana no matter the challenges the BETTER GHANA agenda will be achieve.
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